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2015年毕业于陕西师范大学分析化学专业获理学博士学位,同年9月加入西安交通大学hg8868官网任讲师、博士后研究员。20179-201910月在美国The University of Texas at Arlington从事博士后研究工作。20199月晋升为西安交通大学副教授,硕士生导师、博士生合作导师。202012月以高层次人才引进入职hg8868官网从事教学科研工作。2022年入选江苏省“333工程高层次人才培养工程”培养对象。现为中国化学会与中国生物物理学会会员,担任国家教育部研究生学位论文评审专家、陕西省科技计划项目评审专家、江苏省科技咨询专家库成员、江苏省高新技术企业认定专家库成员、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目评审专家、中国技术市场协会医疗器械科技创新专业委员会专家库成员。


目前以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Chem. Eng. J., Nano Res., Acta Biomater., Carbon, J. Control. Release, Environ. Sci.-Nano, Bioresource Technol., Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., Microchim. Acta, Analyst, Food Chem., Food Funct., Mat. Sci. Eng.-C, J. Chromatogr. A, Anal. Chim. ActaSCI杂志发表学术论文30余篇(其中中科院SCI一区论文13篇,IF大于10SCI论文8篇),论文总被引980余次。申报国家发明专利13项,已授权10项。参编西安交通大学留学生规划教材《Pharmaceutical Analysis》一部。受邀担任Chem. Eng. J., Carbon, J. Clean. Prod., Small, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., Anal. Chem., Carbohyd. Polym.SCI杂志审稿人。

教学方面,主要承担临床药学专业本科生《生物药剂学》与药物制剂专业《化工原理》的课程负责人及教学工作。作为指导教师指导本科生与研究生分别获第十四届全国大学生药苑论坛创新成果一等奖、第三届江苏省大学生生物医学工程创新设计竞赛三等奖各1项,指导本科生主持国家级大学生创新创业类项目(重点项目)3项,其中指导本科生以第一作者身份在Chem. Eng. J.IF 15.1)与Anal. Chim. ActaIF 6.2)等杂志发表学术论文3篇。


1. 20242025年:分析化学领域英文杂志《Journal of Analysis and Testing》青年编委(Springer Nature

2. 20232025年:药学领域英文杂志《Pharmaceutical Science Advances》首届青年编委(ScienceDirect

3. 20232024年:药学领域英文杂志《Acta Materia Medica》青年编委(ScienceOpen

4. 20232026年:中国科技核心期刊《分析试验室》第二届青年编委

5. 20202022年:中国科技核心期刊《分析试验室》首届青年编委

6. 2023年~至今:化学工程领域核心期刊《Chemical Science and Engineering》编委

7. 20222023年:英文杂志《Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science》编委

8. 20232024年:SCI杂志《MoleculesGuest EditorMDPI

9. 20202021年:SCI杂志《Frontiers in Bioengineering and BiotechnologyGuest Associate Editor

10. 2024年~至今:英文期刊《Food Safety and Health》青年编委(Wiley


1.    江苏省自然科学基金(重点研发计划)项目BE20227152022.072025.0650万元,主持。

2.    江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,BK202313482023.092026.0810万元,主持。

3.    徐州市推动科技创新专项资金(重点研发计划)项目,KC21292, 2021.092023.0811万元,主持。

4.    国家自然科学基金项目,817034662018.012020.1221万元,主持。

5.    中国博士后科学基金第11批特别资助项目,2018T1110772017.112020.0515万元,主持。

6.    中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2016M5927742016.012018.125万元,主持。

7.    陕西省博士后科学基金项目,2016BSHYDZZ132016.012018.064万元,主持。

8.    陕西省自然科学基金项目2017JQ20272017.012018.113万元,主持。

9.    徐州医科大学高等教育教改课题,Xjy2022132022.112024.10,主持。


[1] Y. Gao, J. Wang, L.-L. Zhao, B.-Y. Yuan, Y.-N. Kong, J.-J. Luo, S.-C. Zhao, W.-M. Yang and R.-L. Liu*. Biotemplated fabrication of N/O co-doped porous carbon confined spinel NiFe2O4 heterostructured mimetics for triple-mode sensing of antioxidants and ameliorating packaging properties. Food Chem. 2024, 441, 138365. (IF 8.8)

[2] Y. Lin, W.-W. Shao, D. Wu, T. Zhang, D.-N. Fei, Y.-N. Kong, Y.-F. Gao, S.-C. Zhao and R.-L. Liu*. Spatially confined CuFe2O4 nanosphere in N/O-codoped porous carbon mimetics for triple-mode sensing of antibiotics and visual detection of neurotransmitters in biofluids. Anal. Chim. Acta 2024, 1306, 342598. (IF 6.2)

[3] Y. Ge, S. Zhao, B. Yuan, Y. Gao and R. Liu*. In-situ growth of metal coordination-synergistic imprinted polymer onto shrimp shell-derived magnetic FeNi biochar for specific recognition of monocrotaline in herbal medicine. Mater. Today Sustain. 2023, 24, 100599. (IF 7.8)

[4] J. Luo, R. Liu*, S. Zhao and Y. Gao. Bimetallic Fe-Co nanoalloy confined in porous carbon skeleton with enhanced peroxidase mimetic activity for multiple biomarkers monitoring. J. Anal. Test. 2023, 7, 53-68.

[5] Y.-C. Jiang, M.-F. Luo, Z.-N. Niu, S.-Y. Xu, Y. Gao, Y. Gao, W.-J. Gao, J.-J. Luo and R.-L. Liu*. In-situ growth of bimetallic FeCo-MOF on magnetic biochar for enhanced clearance of tetracycline and fruit preservation. Chem. Eng. J. 2023, 451, 138804. (IF 15.1)

[6] G. Wei, Z. Wang, R. Liu*, C. Zhou, E. Li, T. Shen, X. Wang, Y. Wu and X. Li. A combination of hybrid polydopamine-human keratinocyte growth factor nanoparticles and sodium hyaluronate for the efficient prevention of postoperative abdominal adhesion formation. Acta Biomater. 2022, 138, 155-167. (IF 10.6)

[7] R.-L. Liu* and R.-Q. Cai. Recent advances in ultrasound-controlled fluorescence technology for deep tissue optical imaging. J. Pharm. Anal. 2022, 12(4), 530-540. (IF 14.026)

[8] J. Wang, S. Feng, J. Liu and R. Liu*. Effects of carboxyl or amino group modified InP/ZnS nanoparticles toward simulated lung surfactant membrane. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2021, 9, 714922. (IF 6.1)

[9] R. Liu, T. Yao, Y. Liu, S. Yu, L. Ren, Y. Hong, K.T. Nguyen and B. Yuan*. Temperature-sensitive polymeric nanogels encapsulating with β-cyclodextrin and ICG complex for high-resolution deep-tissue ultrasound-switchable fluorescence imaging. Nano Res. 2020, 13(4), 1100-1110. (IF 10.3)

[10] X. Xu, P. Guo, H. Shu, K. Qu, Y. Ge, G. Chen, Z. Luo, W. Du, C. Chang, R. Liu* and Q. Fu. Preparation of biocompatible molecularly imprinted film on biowaste-derived magnetic pomegranate rind carbon for protein recognition in biological sample. Mater. Sci. Eng.-C 2020, 115, 111063. (IF 8.5)

[11] Y.-H. Ge, H. Shu, X.-Y. Xu, P.-Q. Guo, R.-L. Liu*, Z.-M. Luo, C. Chang and Q. Fu. Combined magnetic porous molecularly imprinted polymers and deep eutectic solvents for efficient and selective extraction of aristolochic acid I and II from rat urine. Mater. Sci. Eng.-C 2019, 97, 650-657. (IF 8.5)

[12] Y. Wang, R.-L. Liu*, G.-N. Chen, L. Wang, P. Yu, H. Shu, K. Bashir and Q. Fu. Hemin-porous g-C3N4 hybrid nanosheets as an efficient peroxidase mimic for colorimetric and visual determination of glucose. Microchim. Acta 2019, 186(7), 446-455. (IF 6.4)

[13] H. Shu, Y. Ge, X.-Y. Xu, P.-Q. Guo, Z.-M. Luo, W. Du, C. Chang, R.-L. Liu* and Q. Fu*. Hybrid-type carbon microcoil-chitosan composite for selective extraction of aristolochic acid I from Aristolochiaceae medicinal plants. J. Chromatogr. A 2018, 1561, 13-19.

[14] R.-L. Liu*, S. Mao, Y. Wang, L. Wang, Y.-H. Ge, X.-Y. Xu and Q. Fu. A mussel-inspired hybrid copolymer adhered to chitosan-functionalized micro-sized carbon fiber aerogels for high-efficient nanoparticles scavenging. Environ. Sci.-Nano 2017, 4, 2164-2174. (IF 9.5)

[15] R.-L. Liu*, P. Yu, Z.-M. Luo and Q. Fu. Multicolor fluorescent carbon nanodots@zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 nanoparticles for simultaneous pH-responsive drug delivery and fluorescence imaging. J. Control. Release 2017, 259, 118. (IF 11.5)

[16] R.-L. Liu*, P. Yu, Z.-M. Luo, X.-F. Bai, X.-Q. Li and Q. Fu. Single-helix carbon microcoils prepared via Fe(Ш)-osmotically induced shape transformation of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) for enhanced adsorption and antibacterial activities. Chem. Eng. J. 2017, 315, 437-447. (IF 15.1)

[17] R.-L. Liu*, Y. Wang, X.-L. Ge, P. Yu, H.-Q. Liu, M.-C. Wang, W. Lu, and Q. Fu. Polydopamine/polyethyleneimine complex adhered to micrometer-sized magnetic carbon fibers for high-efficiency hemoperfusion. J. Biomat. Sci.-Polym. E. 2017, 28(14), 1444-1468.

[18] R.-L. Liu, Z.-Q. Zhang, W.-H. Jing, L. Wang, Z.-M. Luo, R.-M. Chang, A.-G. Zeng, W. Du, C. Chang and Q. Fu. β-Cyclodextrin anchoring onto pericarpium granati-derived magnetic mesoporous carbon for selective capture of lopid in human serum and pharmaceutical wastewater samples. Mater. Sci. Eng.-C 2016, 62, 605-613. (IF 8.5)

[19] R.-L. Liu, X.-L. Ge, X.-Y. Gao, H.-Y. Zhan, T. Shi, N. Su and Z.-Q. Zhang. Two angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitory peptides from almond protein and the protective action on vascular endothelial function. Food & Function 2016, 7, 3733-3739. (IF 6.1)

[20] R.-L. Liu, W.-J. Ji, T. He, Z.-Q. Zhang*, J. Zhang and F.-Q. Dang. Fabrication of nitrogen-doped hierarchically porous carbons through a hybrid dual-template route for CO2 capture and haemoperfusion. Carbon 2014, 76, 84-95. (IF 10.9)

[21] R.-L. Liu, Y. Liu, X.-Y. Zhou, Z.-Q. Zhang*, J. Zhang, and F.-Q. Dang. Biomass-derived highly porous functional carbon fabricated by using a free-standing template for efficient removal of methylene blue. Bioresource Technol. 2014, 154, 138-147. (IF 11.4)



